
Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 3, 2012

Why Is the Other Woman the Villain in Every Love Story? Read more:

So, back in literary La-La Land, the book currently setting lips a-twitter is Mimi Alford's new — some say, shocking — tell-all memoir Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F Kennedy and Its Aftermath. So much consternation over yet another alleged JFK extramarital affair! But the hue and cry is largely, naturally, for Alford. People will apparently excuse a beloved former president for having sex with other women, even while he was married, but will find no space in their hearts to forgive the other women who slept with him. But that's how it always is, even amongst us the unwashed masses: a married man can always slip and fall between an 'other' woman's legs; the woman between whose legs he lands is the cheap tart who should have the good sense God gave her to keep her legs shut.
In the summer of 1962, when she was just 19, Mimi Alford, nee Beardsley, a White House intern, began an affair with John Fitzgerald Kennedy. At least, this is how Alford's account, 50 years later, goes. Four days into her internship, she met Kennedy and he invited her the following day on a personal tour of the White House residence that included first lady Jackie Kennedy's bedroom. (What the hell does a White House intern do but give presidents fellatio and such, is what I'm wondering, considering the hair-curling stories that have emerged in past years about extracurricular White House activities involving pages and interns.)
Anyway, long and short, according to Alford, who is now a 69-year-old meemaw, she lost her virginity to the president that same day. (If I'd known her, I'd have told her that nothing good ever ends up happening when a man more than twice your age takes you on a tour of his wife's bedroom. President or no.)
But it was the age of innocence — and it's hard to believe that women were once naïve, given that we've all become so jaded in this post-Sex and the City age — and she allowed herself to be given the grand tour that began the 18-month affair.
For the record, I believe her. And not because she's now a church administrator. That's neither here nor there, since it's my experience that church folks can be some of the most, shall we say, deluded people on the planet. I work closely with one and he makes me want to jump through a bloody window.
But I digress.
The point is, Mimi Alford, outed by a Kennedy biographer back in 2003, has a voice that's matter-of-fact and open — she doesn't seek to romanticise the relationship. Their first encounter was exactly as we'd expect it would be for an inexperienced teenager: a kind of letdown, with him startling her by an inelegant request for, well, congress, and then pointing her to the bathroom after it was finished. As time went on, though, the sex improved, becoming "varied and fun". Still, they never kissed; there was always a "layer of reserve" between them.
"The fact that I was being desired by the most famous and powerful man in America only amplified my feelings to the point where resistance was out of the question. That's why I didn't say no to the president," she wrote.
Who among us as young women involved with older, possibly married, men never felt this antiseptic thrill of being with a man who had no business "choosing" to be with us? Who among us hasn't luxuriated in the secret joy of a forbidden relationship? Who among us hasn't dreamily thought, 'Oh, he prefers me to his wife'? Then, mind you, we grow up and realise that he really won't leave his wife, and so the only way an extramarital affair is even remotely viable is if there's no expectation of it becoming something permanent.
I can't believe that the women who are criticising Alford have never in their lives had a sexual assignation that reflected poor judgement. I read a review by one of these shriek-bots (and it's always a woman high astride that old horse of condemnation) who wondered aloud whether Alford didn't notice how bad she made herself look by admitting to this affair. Another one questioned how Alford could have "done this to Caroline", Kennedy's remaining daughter. Discretion, this woman suggested, should perhaps be the better part of valour.
Excuse me, but how about asking why this powerful man exploited a vulnerable teenage girl? Why does the late president get a free pass? Listen, everybody knows how fascinated I am by JFK and that idealised period, up to circa 1963, which we define as Camelot. I'm not about bad-mouthing him. But at this point we can no longer pretend that the rumours about the president's many dalliances and White House affairs are simply conjecture. The fact is this: our icons aren't saints; they often have feet of clay. Everybody thinks JFK was a good president but it doesn't mean that he didn't have his personal demons. There's an author I admire for his work. Then, some years ago, the late Wayne Brown and I sat talking about the man, who happened to be one of Wayne's esteemed friends. Out came the revelations about the man's, um, chequered personal life, and let me tell you: I was traumatised. The man, it turned out, was a nasty piece of work who engaged in sordid, unseemly behaviour.
Genuinely bemused by how distraught I was, Wayne taught me a life lesson: never equate the artist with the art. Hitler was devoid of a soul, but did you know he made exquisite art?
But back to Mimi Alford's book, which, by its attendant controversy, has helped to highlight the unfortunate fact that women are each other's worst enemies. How many of these women hell-bent on criticising women who have extramarital affairs, upon finding themselves in the same situation Alford found herself in, would have taken the morally superior road down which they're judgementally skipping? What if their 19-year-old daughter had had sex with, say, President Bill "Love-'Em-And-Leave-'Em" Clinton? Whom would they blame then: the child or the adult?
Sex and power are not-so-strange bedfellows. Which impressionable teenager would have said no? I know I wouldn't have. At 19, a girl is feeling the intoxicating power of her sexuality. By and large, we don't raise our young girls to have the requisite self-esteem and self-confidence needed to get by in this world with its sexual slings and arrows. Believe me; I know of what I speak. That's why they're always looking to be validated by men. Well, men and pop stars. (Rihanna is now blond, so teenage girls, and some older women too, are growing the recent red out of their hair in order to take the bold blond dive.)
I never thought I'd ever say these words, but thank God for the perspective of age. Hopefully, I'll try to remember to keep my paws off someone else's husband. One thing I won't be doing any time soon, for damn sure though, is bleaching my hair blond.

Read more:

Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 2, 2012

The Last Dance (Continued 2)

The Last Dance (Continued 2)

How well was he displaying an indifferent passion for the melody—– “Me Voy …….”. Peeling the flesh off me. I hated it, but I had to bear it—– circumventing somehow. He was not the only one, there were even worst, Jhon…who would always wish and try to be Extra Close, in Rumba, while exploring me in the garb of placing his hand on my shoulder blades….an extra effort to brush across my breasts and so on….I would give an impassive look, rather would correct him, which he would forget very soon. How determined was he!
I was to be blamed …..
Why did I take up this job and not something else…
“Yes why did not I take some other job?” I would inquire from myself in anguish. There certainly existed an explanation. Which, I dreaded to whisper—-even to myself.
This world is infested with innumerous and expansively relentless men, who would always know one reason to be closer to a woman and then many, to be in her pants…Crue….  Just one, at times none, to evade.
”Slow….Quick…Quick….Slow……….” Same stench, grin, Gold capped teeth, a greedy look and exploring fingers….. all responded by a professionally embroidered smile smeared with prepetual ignorance.
“So now we go to side step, open break and under arm turn…. …OK ….. Mr. Hemming?” …I tried to disengage. That’s what I would always do.
“What are you doing tonight?” he insisted, exhibiting his Rolex with etched diamonds. If I could only slap on his face and run away……What is my fault, if I am a woman…which too was not my choice….what if my mother and father were not gracious enough to raise me to be a doctor….…..I pleaded in unwavering mute silence. As usual…….no reply….no help… Jesus……no Moses… Mohammad………no savior……and I was all alone to face raping stares of Hemming, how much did I hate him, those stares and grins……
“I have to take another class and then some personal practices. You know how important are these to remain in touch with the job requirements.” I said with a charming smile. How much did I hate myself for that–Smile.
He resigned. I knew momentarily only. It was a routine. If not Hemming there were many like him. Damn!!! Where are the Gentlemen? I wondered in amazement.
Normally, it would not be a concern, perhaps a mistake by a more serious student ….. but the grin which followed, always made me sick. Instead, “No, you have to stop here…give a little break…it is not Quick Quick……but Slow …….OK? We will try it again….are we good…..did you understand…..?” would be my response.
“3 minute to go Marina…” I heard Julia in the ear piece.
Mevoy …….had fallen on deaf ears…..after all.
I disengaged from Hemmings, smiling in an exquisite manner, a job requirement, and told him that our session was over, to his utter dismay. We underwent a final formality for two minutes which meant a century to me. I could feel his stares piercing through my cleavage.
Where were my social rights, it enraged me.
“So can you come over for group, day after tomorrow ?”
“Ohh….yes, I will be here” a pause “For you” a broad smile. I lead him out.
“How is he…?????? The Romeo!!!” a laughter. “Seems to be interested in you…” said Julia smiling. A failed consolatory effort.
“Yes, his interest is for 2 minutes, I know, Wham Bham Thank You Ma’m.” I mimicked a smile. Over the years I had learnt to be a good actor suppressing my inner feelings. Persistent denial of My Emotions their right, ‘to be expressed’, had made me intrinsically eccentric. It was excruciating and pulverizing. I was my worst tormenter.
It happens in a snap, something shatters inside you and then— the pain follows. It increases gradually, draining your energies. Your eyes are locked in a frozen stare. I wondered, where did that girl of 10 years had smoldered, who dreamt of a dreamland with a prince charming— as every girl does. Naive of what future beholds for her. At least, dreaming is righteous. It is a relief, people don’t have jurisdiction over your dreams, else they would snatch them and government would declare it taxable.
“Hi…..i am ready….” said  Jean.
I exactly knew, another session of excruciating molestation was about to commence— I took it happily. I did it daily…with so many jeans and Hemmeings. What was new? ….. there is no dearth of them in this world….
What did I do, not to deserve any of your disoriented Ray of Mercy? …..” Not an opportune time to get into same scuffle again, it was time to go…….
May be God forgot me after the creation, striking me off the inventory. Or perhaps, he created me to be a source of joy for his actual creations, whom He Loved and cherished.
“Love—What is it?.What is the touch of love? How does it feel to look deep, then deeper, into the eyes of your lover and drift away? Does it really exist?… or…. is it just confined to stories or movies? Do girls fake it….do they really get it….is it real????”. So many questions engulfed me and I shrugged them all, implying, ‘Out of Jurisdiction’.
“Start with your left foot…..Waltz is known as the Father of all Dances…feel the beat…..yes that’s the way…..Now …..Rise……and Fall, change the weight…..turn your head towards left over my shoulder…yes”
Huh, he was not at all concerned with “The Father of Dances” but the woman in his proximity-undressing her in his thoughts. Worst—he did not even make an effort to hide the bulge in his pants.  “Side….Hesitation… and 1——2,3”. He banged in me. I could see the satisfaction spread across his face…
I hated him “You have to make controlled moves Mr.Jean” I said, disengaging. It was reciprocated by a broader smile. An announcement of his success.
At last the day was over. There would be another.  Nothing was to be happy about. I loved dancing and more than that, I had loved him, which had forced me to dance. And I danced thereafter. In tender age , I vowed to dance for him …. all my life. It proved to be intoxicating —- An abyss which consumed me deeper and deeper. Overwhelming was so immense and intense that i knew nothing else—-even him. I forgave him.
Dancing was my love—Now. Everlasting love of life. And how haunting was this life….…
I had forgotten if I ever existed!!! I was just a tiny little wheel in the mechanism of God, To run this World of His. A constant,  “X”, no feelings, no emotions and no wishes.
“Hey Marina….call for you.” Julia shouted in a whisper. “Someone inquiring about dance classes”. I woke up from my disgusting thoughts……disgusting for the world —– Not me.
I left the assessment board and paced like a robot to Julia.
“What did you say?”
“Someone is inquiring about our dance classes….perhaps a foreigner!”.
I walked up, to the telephone ….
I always hated to take foreigners in the school. Two definite reasons….one, they had money…lot of it……and second, they thought that everything was on the menu…which was not only to be seen but was to be taken as well. They were always admitted. They were the main source of our income. I did not have any choice!!!!!!!!!
“Hi……”  I said with a mocked joy, part of my job. Portray, always portray…..make others feel important. That is what business is all about. Hypocrite!!!….. what am I doing here…..…who am I ……….may be, this is a dream and one day while doing one Quick..Quick I would stumble and wake up to find  a different world. Six years…I had stumbled many a times…..but there was no awakening. Me and my customers, various types and creeds. Those….who really wished to learn dancing, generally from 15-25 years old and were assigned to Catherine, my associate, who was young and charming. Then those, who perhaps were not having good times at home, 35-50 years of age and those who just wished to have a fun time, 25-35. Last two categories were taken on by me. Stubborn and rigid—Me. I was never a beauty. In school, I would always go unnoticed. It killed me. My best friend Marry would receive multiple successive approved glances, where as for me, there was not even a disapproved one. Yes…Tommy always stared at me. Those eyes, beholding an eternal lust, within. And I chose to remain eternally invisible. Something which my dad could ever give me in life was, light brown serene eyes …… shinning skin…..a mesmerizing smile and a chiseled face, not to mention body— Mommy said so. Rest, I always wondered ‘What a father is’.
“Hey Marina……” and I rushed, responding to the urgency of Julia…..
“Emmm….Ahhh….…Good evening Ma’m” A resonant, heavy and hesitant voice struck my ear drums…..and threw me off guard, stoned.
Could never forget, ‘emmm……errrrr…..ahhhhh’, from my school life.
I stiffened…..its always like this…… if you are not nice, just sound nice….!!!
I bitterly smiled to myself.
“In fact, ….” Hesitant, indecisive and uncommitted.
Oh…he is good at making it up, I smiled sarcastically “Not This time.” Years had taught me to enjoy even the worst….even the day on which I was raped……
“In fact I needed to take dance classes….dont know what to do” a silence followed….
“You have dialed the right number Mr……..” anticipating a name…….I paused.
why does he say ‘In fact’ so much…. What is he?
My mind was working very fast……making…assessing and rejecting options in micros…….a potential customer, handsome amount of money…I could not let it go.
“How can we help you…” I tried to make the environment more congenial trying to generate some conversation.
“In fact……ummmm…ehhhhn…..i ammm, ….. I……. wish to learn dancing…..” a confused voice in the earpiece.
“So…. what are you interested in, Sir?” I asked in a flat voice…concluding that he was not a potential customer….
“Ummmm…..….in fact…eehhhh…just dancing and….. I don’t know……actually!!!” The answer was followed by a sheepishly suppressed chuckle….
“No problem sir….we are here to make you rock. You have to believe in us….The Institution……”.
“Ummm….ehhhh…..what….ehhhh…. What do I have to do, in fact?.” The man asked and I wondered if he had no social manners….to say ma’m, lady, please…. Bla bla bla.
“Sir, I would suggest that you visit us and we will arrange a lesson for you to show various dances and…….”.
“How much ……emmmmm…..would it cost” he interrupted.
“Hey he is not coming, he is just funkying…..” I told Julia shielding the mouth piece. She smiled.
“Sir why don’t you just drop by our school and we would show you that how well can we try to make you a dancer….” I said as a last desperate attempt to make him, at least, a potential customer.
“Ummm….ahhhh….Yes I would love to do it….” He said intermittently….
I would love to……. I laughed to myself…that’s the sentence I listened so many times a day…..
“So tomorrow 1800 hrs, will that be OK with you sir?” I said in a polite and lucrative tone….
“Ummm…in fact…ehhh……if you could make it on Wednesday…it will be convenient for me”. I felt stupid, Why the hell did not I ask for his schedule? I cursed myself.
“Sir….will 1800 hrs be OK with you…on Wednesday?”
“Ummm..infact…yes…..if someone could remind me please!!!”
I took my notes, and said “No problems sir. Its policy of our school to tinkle.” I had made it a routine to carry out a personality assessment independent of Jung and Freud. It required taking of notes to decide upon who would be the instructor and how will the customer be dealt. I marked him ‘M’. He seemed to be a problem. I could not leave Catherine to his mercy.
“Ummmm…….….If you…. Could…. please add..…..ummmm… front of my name that I was quite ehhhhhh……… a shy person…may be it would help you to come up with something specific to me!!!” he hurried up at the end.
“Oh…really!!!” I was amazed momentarily.
“Don’t worry Mr…………” I tried another time.
“Whats your name…” he demanded, curtly.
I was taken aback on his directness. “Marina” I replied. “OK Marina…see you on Wednesday, Bye…… ehhhh….actually yes I am….”
“Nicholas. Without….Cage.” a laughter.
“Beniti…Nicholas Beniti!!!”
And The Phone went dead.
—————————————-TO BE CONTINUED —————————————-
Description: ballroom dancing silhouette r42 233x300 The Last Dance (Continued 2)

The last rose

The last rose

Once upon a time, there lived a very sweet, pretty girl. Each day she would sit by her vase of roses and watch them. She paid attention to every little detail that changed. She noticed every petal begin to fade and droop, but one. She noticed the roses starting to die, but one. Each day after one would die; she would press it into her book, but one. This one rose never changed, it stayed the same each day. The girl’s handsome boyfriend, Max, had gave her the roses, ten to be exact. Each day she saw Max, she would tell him the same thing, “the one rose, it never changed.”
Then days went by and she watched the rose harder, she would concentrate on it more. She didn’t know why the rose would not die; she did not understand it at all. She thought about pressing it into her scrapbook, and never to think of it again, but she felt a special connection to the rose that she could never explain. The girl knew this was no ordinary rose; it was definitely more than a rose. There was something about it that made her feel complete, whole.
One day, when Max came by, he gave her a key. She asked him, “what is this key for?” But he did not answer. So each day the girl would study the key, then the rose, and finally she would study them both together. The girl began to get frustrated. She wondered, “why would Max give me a rose that never died and a key to unlock nothing?” She wondered this day after day. She would always ask Max “what is the key and rose for?” But he would never answer.
A couple weeks later, while Max was visiting her, he gave her an envelope that was fairly heavy. On the outside of the envelope in bold print was the phrase, “Do Not Open.” The girl asked Max, “when can I open the envelope?” He responded, “in the future.” Two days went by of the girl studying the envelope, key, and rose. On the fifth day of studying the envelope, the girl had an extreme urge to open it. Her hands told her to open it, but her brain said no. She was becoming impatient, every bone in her body was telling her to open it, but she never would.
One night after getting home late from grocery shopping, she saw a large figure in her bedroom. She walked into her room and turned the light-switch on. There on the bed sat a beautiful glass shadow box. It was see through the whole entire way around. The girl saw a key hole on the side of the box; a note was taped to the side of the box beside it. The girl ran to the note and frantically tore it open. On the inside, the note was full of insructions.
1. Unlock the shadow box. The girl ran into the kitchenand grabbed the key off the table. She ran back to the bedroom and unlocked the door.
2. Place the rose inside the shadow box. The girl once again ran back to the kitchen. She clutched the the rose and envelope in her hand. She placed the rose nicely on the shelf in the shadow box.
3. Open the envelope, but don’t read the slate inside. “That’s what it was,” she thought, “that’s why the envelope was so heavy.” She opened up the envelope and held the slate so she could not read the front.
4. Place the slate in the little slot provided near the bottom of the shadow box. The girl placed the slate in the box, then stepped back and read the slate while admiring the magnificent shadow box. She then read the slate out loud, “I will love you with all of my heart, until the last rose dies, love Max.” The girl gasped. She turned around and saw Max walk out of her living room. “I love you too,” she said to Max, “forever and always.”

submitted by Katelyn Mayle

Description: 116562 coffee shop in black and white The last rose

The Last Dance (Continued 3)

The Last Dance (Continued 3)

The environment was festive and warm. It was always like this in Cedar Hall. Lydia loved it. Everyone did. Inlaid Rosewood and Mahogany floor, with center occupied by a Renaissance Flower Bells 144 Inches Medallion textured in Indus Gold, Black Galaxy and Roja Alicante Granites . Border emphasized by a 4 inches Black Maquina base and Pulpet Flower in Red Onyx was a splendid choice of taste. An avid observer would have surely noticed that each piece was fixed individually. A laborious job, worth the price paid and the look it gave. The Hall took its name from Western Red Cedar wall panels. Pillars were carved into the walls at equal intervals. Front wall boasted upon a full size aquarium with Angels, Tangs and Butterflies. A hand carved sculptured fountain from Castello Travertine stood in the left front of the Hall. A robe clad Babylonian country woman, with her head down a faint smile caressing her lips, out of a well poured water in the extended hands of a devastated traveler. Oblivious of his thirst, the traveler stared at her, and water spilled out of his hands into the bowl below. It certainly did not undermine uniqueness of Pissaros; El Bosque de Marley and Pontoise, die Cote des Boeufs an der Hermitage, delicately lit with spot lights. Everything of the hall complemented each other. Medallion on floor and a ceiling Mural in dome. A rare 18 branch French Vintage Chandelier heavily decorated with original beaded garlands from Crown to arms and around, hung from the central Medallion of the dome. Crystal pendants added beauty to the piece. A deep set niche in the wall on right held in it an exquisite white marble Gothic sculpture, Virgin and a child. Inside of niche was ornamented by red stones, adequately lit, emphasizing the sculpture and gave a reddish dark glow in the back ground. Above a neoclassic master piece fire place carved out of a single piece Italian Silver Wave with imposing sculptures on stanchions and overlays on Frieze, a Gold inscription etched in a Black Amethyst Granite read:
It is to be prayed that the mind be sound in a sound body
Ask for a brave soul that locks the fear of death,
Which places the length of life last among nature’s blessings,
Which is able to bear whatever kind of sufferings,
Does not know Anger, lusts for nothing and believes
The hardships and savage labor of Hercules better than
The satisfaction, feasts and feather beds of an Eastern King,
I will reveal what you are able to give yourself;
For certain, the one footpath of a tranquil lies through virtue
(Juvenal, Sixteen Satires)

Project Managers entered the hall one after another at intervals. Keeper of the Cedars, KC as he had earned his name over the decades, played at the buttons in his hand randomly. 15 screens, in front of 14 chairs and one at the head, rose from a large half moon Mahogany Conference Table. Another click and a white smart screen lowered in front of the aquarium. Simultaneously, a panel in the wall, slid forward at one side of the screen, to form a podium. KC revolved it 360 degrees on its mounting, checking for smoothness and unnecessary noise. Finding none, signaled to an overwhelming personality in the Hall “It is all yours, 15 minutes to go”. It was acknowledged by a casual nod.
Projections flashed on the screen randomly and people slowly gathered around it. MD briefed the audience. Lydia, looked at him, who, in his resonant and care free voice emphasized on each word flashing on the screen. Every one listened intently. He was captivating. In 5 months he had established himself inextricably in B&G Enterprise. And had rightly earned the title KIA, ‘Knows It All’. People looked at him with envy, few with lust and many competitive souls with contemptuous agreement. He exuded aura of self confidence and assurance. His words were taken as last ones, with no questions asked. There were no exceptions. He was regarded as the soul of B&G.
CEO’s own prodigy.Discovered and supported by him.
This gave him the carte blanche to exert himself upon everyone in the Enterprise, even the CEO. And how well had he done  justice with the faith vested in him. He made The Enterprise proud. The Enterprise excelled with each passing day under his guidance and management. Hence, a weekly update was essential at the headquarters of B&G Enterprise on the Cedar Floor.
Top floor of the Enterprise headquarters was Cedar Floor. Cedar Hall, Cedar Room, Cedar Lobby and Cedar Lounge.  KC along with his team tended the floor and entry to the floor was restricted. Cedar Hall was for the executives’ conferences and Lounge was for them to ease out. Like the hall, lounge and lobby were exquisitely decorated with statues, marble Medallion, wall hangings, chandeliers and wood carvings. However, existence of the Cedar room remained Enigma to everyone.
Lydia, again, stared at the imposing and intimidating figure facing the mesmerized audience. They all praised him and submitted to him. His professional prowess, balanced personality crowned by sound logic, sharp observation and exceptional IQ rendered everyone speechless in his presence. Even CEO would found himself contemplating, if he ever requested for explanations during the weekly briefs. His excesses were limit and time less. He was an associate and a personal friend to CEO, which was well known to all.
Lydia looked around The Cedar Hall trying to absorb the intensity of the surroundings. She basked in the serenity and impact of the environment. She was new to the Enterprise, not more than 3 months and headed B&G Constructions, spread all over the Globe. B&G Enterprise had 9 known Projects, headed by Project Managers, PMs. Kruger watched B&G Petro, responsible venturing in the unknown territories, discovering and drilling Oil and Gas. Goldwin Schumachar headed B&G Manufacturers, which mainly produced cotton based materials with factories in China, Egypt and Turkey. Hussain spearheaded Feather Ways with over 67 destinations to its credit. Marry Ann attended to the family of B&G Employees all over the Globe by running B&G Welfare Stream. Ajeet a Phd in Nanotechnology from MIT was developer of B&G Institute of Advance Studies. It had many world renowned scholars and Nobel laureates on its faculty. Qin Lee – PM Swan Shipping. Ferdinand Lugar supervised and managed V-Care Pharmaceuticals and Boris Kinsky headed B&G Health Care City spread over 800 acres of covered land, equipped with state of the art medical facilities including a fleet of 3 air ambulance helicopters.
This effort was managed and guided by MD and his team of approximately 300 professionals.
The entire B&G Enterprise was supervised by CEO and his staff known as ‘Watch Dog’ or at times ‘Marshalls’. Their number and activities remained unknown. By and large they were not a welcome sign and their jurisdiction had no bounds. CEO was at the apex, gentle, delicate and a considerate man in his mid 30s. Many a spectacular women would dream of being at his side, yet he remained unmarried. He was the Enterprise and MD ran it for him.
These weekly updates were held each Monday at sharp 0900 hrs. A day prior, all PMs would brief MD via vidcon and next day MD would update the CEO to seek his approvals on various projects. Although, people knew it to be a formality. MD always got it all approved on telephone, beforehand. All obeyed him, loved him and hated him.
He was indispensible.
Lydia looked at him and decided to venture an introduction with him later in Cedar Lounge over a cup of Coffee. 2 minutes were to the time and she adjusted the console in front of her. KC hustled in the Hall and fumbled with buttons again. This time screen at the head retracted into the table with all other accessories vanished. It drew curious attention of Lydia who had nothing else to do in coming 2 minutes or so.
Two workers entered the door and replaced the chair at the head with an identical green leathered piece. Another man in mid 20s, carrying a bag, followed and stood by the fire place monitoring the workers, impassively. KC adjusted the chair and looked at the man seeking approval. He, disregarding KC, stepped forward, opened the bag and placed few unrecognizable items on the table. After satisfying himself with the arrangement, oblivious of the people inside, he retook his post by the fire place.
Tempted, Lydia left the chair and ambled across the hall to satisfy her curiosity. She was disappointed to see three fountain pens, Sheaffer Targa Medium, Mont Blac Fine and Waterman placed beside a scribbling pad jacketed in a green leathered folder. Jacket bore the Golden Words “CEO’s Office”. Man beside fireplace watched her every move, ready to plunge on her if she made a slightest unwanted move.
Perhaps it wont be a long sitting today when CEO is not around. She thought. Perhaps more time with MD over a coffee would melt him a bit.
“Its almost time” announced KC and left the Hall.
“OK people, let us do it” MD said aloud with determination, one of his hallmark trait.
“Oh, Hell!!!” It was Ferdinand Lugar.
“Whats with you Lugar? com’on jump in your seat and roll” Kinsky gave a nudge and laughed.
“Damn it!” Lugar stared towards the man by the fire place.
Now he had attention of people around. They followed his gaze. “Where is CEO? Is he not heading the conference today?” it was Ajeet.
“Now who will sanction funds for my scheme? Each day is important!” Mary Ann was surely disappointed.
Feeling the commotion, MD instructed everyone to take their places “Don’t worry people, lets get over with it double time. Then we have time to ourselves.” He had no qualms. He was sure of what he had to do. Funds had already been approved and released by CEO previous evening. It was only that no one knew, but him.
“Be careful there……today. Perhaps you…..” and before Lugar could add further, MD stopped him with a wave of hand, smiling and placing his hand on his heart bowing his head in reverence. Lugar was the oldest in the Enterprise, almost 7 years. Rest of them had not exceeded even 10 months. People valued his opinion. “I want vibrant and exceptional team. I am not afraid of the changes and I will find them personally.” He had said. Lugar was there. CEO had approached them all and got them on board and they produced exceptional results.
He was right
“Whats the matter Lugar?” Lydia, who was seated on the right sounded apprehensive. Door opened and a man rushed straight to the head and seated himself in the chair.
“Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen” words were uttered in monotone as a formality. Lydia was taken aback by the appearance of man. Polo shirt, Khakies and loafers.
Poor Marry Ann! her welfare project wont get funds, at least today. Lydia looked at her. Who had a long face. Anyway, there is always a next time as long as you live. MD stood there rock solid as ever, self assured. He looked even more determined and relaxed.
Man beside the fire place moved abruptly and placed a folder in front of the new entrant. Who acknowledged with a nod. He opened the folder and disregarding all presence started shuffling the pages. People in the hall chuckled in whispers.
“He should have read it before. The bloody Marshals…..” Schumachar seated on her other side whispered.
OKayyyyyy! So he is a Marshal. Lydia was now more interested in the unfolding of proceedings at Cedar Hall today. She had no doubts about the abilities of MD. A Marshal would be a piece of cake. Once people all around the Enterprise knew his significant place in Enterprise, there was nothing to worry. She was looking forward for a short session.
Marshals were considered even supreme.They reported direct to CEO and were not answerable to anyone. They were notoriously referred as Nazis or Gestapo. They cared for none. A clash of Titans was in offing. MD vs Marshal. People smiled.
“ladies and Gentlemen” MD started his update, addressing the PMs, disregarding The Marshal’s presence “Since CEO is not around hence I would keep the update short and brief”. The opening statement was audibly lauded by everyone. Executives and Marshals were always at war with each other. Vampires and the Werewolves. Each trying to get a piece of other.
“But I would suggest…..” Lugar interrupted immediately and was stopped by MD. All exchanged smiles. Being an old hand, Lugar always considered it his right to correct the things and the right was always given to him. But, not this time. Everyone anticipated an interesting encounter.
“We know B&G Enterprise has many ventures to its credit. Last week we faired very well. As CEO is not around so I will omit the details, which I will sound him myself on the telephone. I would go to the Welfare Project Marry Ann has floated for approval. You all are welcomed to give your able advices”. Everyone knew that though CEO was not around but he would be watching the video recording later.
The statement was more to tell the Marshal ‘You Mind your own business. I don’t care.’ He looked at Marry Ann and gave her a consolatory look. She smiled. Marshal sat there untouched, still shuffling the pages.
“Just for the consumption of those who are New” emphasis was on ‘new’ “I would read out the broad contours of the scheme floated by Mary” he said triumphant. Everyone laughed aloud. Lydia glanced at the Marshal who had now placed the folder at a side and stared back at MD with a plain face.
“So Marry Ann suggests….”
“Rather, I would appreciate if you apprised the audience with all the details”. It was a cold voice.
The battle had begun.
“That’s not necessary. They already know the details.” MD counter acted.
“I think, I have been very clear Jake.” He addressed MD by his first name. A hush followed.
“If that’s what you want, Marshal.” Jake smiled, so did all. No one had ever addressed them publicly as Marshal.
Marshal remained impassive. He extended his right hand and his aid placed Davidoff Classic Bent in his hand. He lit it and said “Please continue Jake”. Who, now, stared at him with contempt and fury. These Marshals…I will have to discuss him with CEO. He owes me an apology. He calmed himself. PMs around knew that it would be the last day in business for The Marshal. He had exceeded his limits. With Jake everyone had his limits.
“Never seen this one here before.” It was Shumachar again.
“That could be a reason that he does not know about Jake”. Lydia smiled, enjoying every moment of the tussle.
Marshal’s aid stepped forward again and placed a pipe stand on the table. Their eyes met for a brief moment and he left the room, nodding.
Jake was updating the forum about inroads made by B&G in KSA and South America.  On the contrary, The Marshal was more interested in puffing his Davidoff with a serene face. Aroma of Solani X Sweet Mystery mixed with Spicy odor of Red Cedar added an enigmatic trance to the Hall.
“We have recently concluded three rigs in KSA…..” Jake pointed at the Arabian Peninsula flashed on the screen.
“Are not these two in KSA and one in Venezuela” Marshal interrupted looking in the bowl at burning Tobacco.
“No these are three in KSA”
“But on page 23 you have mentioned two in KSA and one in Venezuela” he pointed at the document on the table. Still interested in Davidoff.
“Ah..yes but we are cancelling one at Venezuela”
“Say so.” A curt reply. Jake fumed on the insolence of  Marshal.
The aid entered the Cedar Hall with a cup of coffee and placed it on the table. Marshal extended his hand and aid took the Davidoff.
Jake continued. And Marshal also continued….puffing, playing with his Davidoff and sheaffer aimlessly, bored.
“Jake, jump to the proposal please”
“It was CEO’s idea, so it would be appropriate that I discussed it with him. You know lots of funds are involved and only He is authorized enough, to approve those funds.” Jake scored a point. People chuckled. Spectators applauding their Gladiator in the Arena.
“Does not matter. Go ahead.” Marshal’s aid gave a disapproving stare to Jake. Which, Jake did not care much about. He had chalked out his course of action.
A call to CEO on his personal number, later, would be enough. The Marshal was naïve not to comprehend Jake’s ploy, ‘make him exceed his limits repeatedly so the CEO has no doubts when he sees the recording’.
“It was considered by CEO that B&G Family i.e all the employees of the Enterprise be extended with a facility to take loans on installments from the organization instead of Banks.” He paused for the information to seep in.
“These loans would be extended on easy terms on the basis of ‘No Loss No Profit’. Zero interest.”
“Whats the cost effect?” inquired Marshal.
“It depends how many individuals take loan, each quarter”
“But you must have worked out something on assumptions.”
The Battle was on. Neither of two giving away. No one knew what the prize was. Perhaps Ego.
“We assumed that each quarter 550 employees would submit for loan from each of our Projects.”
“Who would finance the loan?” Marshal was resilient and Jake was determined. It all was happening in quick succession.
“Projects themselves can finance it or Enterprise can finance it centrally. CEO would decide”. Smiles slipped all over the hall again.
“OK” Marshal adjusted himself in the chair
“What if you set a percentage of the applicants instead of a definite number” he put the question in a suggestive manner.
“Wont change a thing” Jake shrugged grudgingly.
“It would certainly! If you had a quota of 10% in each Project and say B&G Petro receives 300 applications against 881 vacancies worked out on Petro’s 8807 manpower….. Is it correct number Shummachar?” he looked at him and he nodded, surprised. Marshal paused for few seconds leaving a space for everyone to absorb what he had said. “So I suggest, by that way, we would have additional 581 vacancies to be floated to people in other Projects, where people apply in excess. Wont it a better and more welfare oriented approach?” he looked around, emotionless.
Executives were quiet.
“Who finances it?” retorted Jake.
“CEO would decide. As you said Jake.”
Rightly, The Watch Dogs were despised. They would appear from nowhere rendering your  hard work useless in minutes. Even more rightly were they the acclaimed professionals. Dispassionate and indifferent.
The Marshal, after all, was not as casual as he had appeared to be. Jake could not comprehend it since he was     consumed by his ego spree. On the contrary, the Marshal was more focused and knew very precisely what he wanted.
“Anyway”, he started to leave his chair “I suggest you think and develop it on these lines as well.”  He looked directly       at Marry Ann.
Lydia genuinely appreciated the man. He was sharp, confident and authoritative with no ambiguities infesting his mind. The Watch Dogs ensured quality in the Enterprise topped by loyalty.
“I hope your son is out of hospital, Schumachar.” He sounded genuine concern.
“How do you know it”
“Its my job” again said briefly.
“Thanks, he will be shifted to the home, today”
“What are you doing here then? You should have been with your son. If I am not wrong, today is his birthday as well. Is not it?” He unraveled more surprises.
“Oh….Yes! I will be rushing to hospital after the conference.” Schummachar almost jumped in his seat. Rest of the people looked around dumbfounded.
“I brought him this little gift……” His aid handed him over a gift, neatly packed. Which, he presented to Shummachar and hustled across the floor to Jake.
“Thank you Mr. Jake. It was a pleasure listening to you. Surely CEO will be informed about your commendable effort.” The assurance was honest. He shook hands with a perplexed Jake and shot out of the Cedar Hall. Now smoking his Davidoff again.
Silence followed his departure.
“Are they all like him?” inquired Marry Ann.
“Quite impressive, after all.” It was Ajeet.
“But I need his name…” Jake still fumed. Licking his wounds. “Give me the gift”. Instead Shummachar read out aloud

Best Wishes for the Day and for Good Health
My Dear Jonathan
Nicholas Benitti, Chairman Benitti & George Enterprise

“Oh…No!” shouted Schumaccar and others in unison. A shocked silence engulfed the Hall.
“I tried to tell you, Jake” Lugur broke the silence. “ He was the owner. Yup…… Nicholas Benitti”
“But how did you know?”  Demanded Marry Ann.
“His chair, Green leathered. His pens. And his aid. He is Cedar. This is his floor.”
“By the way, Jake.” He turned to him “This proposal has to be his not CEO’s. He personally supervises the B&G Welfare Project. This is his family.” He pointed all around.
“You all were selected by him. Personally.”
“He could have approved the funds? He could have told us who he was?” Lydia still could not solve the riddle.
“So very Nicholas Benniti.” Lugar smiled. “After having seen Jake exercise his unquestionable authority? No way…. he would never question his authority and embarrass him in front of his Managers.”
“But how could he, with so much of authority, bear Jake’s roughness? Who could accept it?” Krugar still could not digest it.
“Simple!”. A prolonged pause. “He likes Jake. Else….. he would have left the Hall, instantly.George would have settled the things later with Jake.” Lugar walked towards the exit saying at his back “Forget it people, move on, he has already forgotten it”.
Jake was staring at Benitti’s aid retrieving his pens, off the table, with a smile on his face.
———————————————TO BE CONTINUED ———————————————

Description: dance silh1 240x300 The Last Dance (Continued 3)